Portfolio List

Customer Query Tracking & Management System (Q1) – Amahlathi Municipality

Amahlathi Local Municipality is an authority that governs areas encompassing Cathcart, Stutterheim, Keiskamahouk and Kei Road in the Eastern Cape. BSA was appointed in October 2014 to supply, install and manage a consumer query tracking and management system that was aimed at streamlining consumer queries from the time they are logged up to their resolution.


Customer Query Tracking & Management System (Q1) – Inxuba Yethemba Municipality

Inxuba Yethemba was one of our pioneer clients that took up the services of our Q1 system. BSA has maintained a steady relationship with management and staff of Inxuba Yethemba municipality for over 3 years and going strong. The municipality realized a need to automate the process of query management and consumer interaction with a sole purpose of improved service delivery. more

Electronic Document Management System Q2 – Greater Kokstad Municipality

Greater Kokstad Municipality forms part of Harry Gwala District Municipality in Kwa Zulu Natal. With credible references, the municipality appointed BSA Consulting to develop, implement and maintain an electronic records management system (EDMS) – Q2 as part of its quest to improve municipal processes and secure records.
